
The perfect theme for your product or service
  • Show the world your best Façade

    Fully responsive, portfolios, sliders, custom widgets, post formats, and more, Facade has it all. Try it free, or upgrade to Pro for extra features and friendly support.

    Get the Façade Theme

  • Showcase your product

    There’s a lot to love about our product. It’s simple yet powerful. Thin and light yet full-featured. It can do just about everything and be just about anything. And because it’s so easy to use, it’s easy to love.



Check out our latest video

Facade can handle any type of embedded video. To embed a Youtube or Vimeo video, just paste the url of the video into your page or post, and it magically auto-embeds!

Optionally enable FitVids in your theme options to make all of your videos responsive. That means they will scale perfectly for any mobile device.


Looks great on tablets & mobiles

The Flex Slider allows for text, images, video, and anything you want in each slide. It utilizes custom post types for ease of use, and you can even move slides by touching on the iPhone or iPad!


Filterable, responsive portfolio

The portfolio custom post type and page template allow you to customize the look of your portfolio with 3 different image sizes (or columns). Quicksand allows you to organize and sort the portfolio with style, click a filter and watch the magic happen!

Are you ready to take your site to a new level? Get Facade today!

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