• Designfolio: Responsive WordPress Portfolio Theme

  • Video Post

    It's a video in the slider, radical!

    You can optionally enable fitvids.js to make this video responsive. If you don't know what that means, it just makes the video scale for mobile devices so everything looks good all the time.

  • Big Image Post

  • Lemon

    HTML Content Post

    You can put anything you want in this slider, including text, images, and video. Optionally enable fitvids.js to make your youtube and vimeo videos responsive.

    The slider uses custom post types to make it dead simple for you to add whatever you want.

    • Here's a list
    • List item
    • Three is the magic number

    Here's a button

Quality, Creativity, and Passion!

Sortable Portfolio

portfolioDesignfolio comes with a sortable portfolio with 3 different image sizes and 3 different column layouts to show off your killer work.

7 Color Schemes

color-paletteSeven color schemes can easily be chosen in the theme options. Use the custom CSS box to customize anything.

Responsive Design

Designfolio looks great on all screen sizes thanks to the magic of media queries!

Coffee Mug

Gratuitous coffee mug because coffee is delicious. Bet you expected another theme feature?

Here’s a box shortcode with some text in it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec mollis. Quisque convallis libero in sapien pharetra tincidunt.
Button Shortcode